Stella Li, byd’s senior vice President for the U.S., said the company was still discussing details of its investment with Brazilian authorities. Negotiations on the land purchase are also ongoing, she said, adding that more details on the investment will be announced later this year. Byd hopes to sign deals with some key customers before formally announcing the deal, li said, adding that the company is negotiating business deals with several potential customers in South Africa.

Li ke said in an interview earlier this month that the new factory would be built in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, about 130 kilometers from the city. In November 2013, byd started producing electric buses at a new plant in Lancaster, us. The carmaker said the initial investment in the project would be up to $30m. Both projects will be “gradually completed” over time, li ke said.

Byd said in October that it was considering opening a factory in Europe; In December it announced a joint venture with a local Bulgarian partner to produce electric buses. According to Ms. Li, the Brazilian investment plan involves the purchase of an existing plant and the construction of a new one, whose output will gradually increase from the plant’s opening date, which is expected to begin production in August.

She said that while byd had set a target of reaching full capacity by 2015, the conservative estimate was that it would only be possible to reach this target in 2016. Electric buses from the Brazilian plant will be sold locally and throughout Latin America.

Post time: 2021-01-13